(919) 882-2344 info@wmunc.org

Request a Speaker

The WMU NC staff and Speaker Team are available upon request for church services, ministry retreats, small group meetings, leadership events and focus weeks. Navigate to your region and email the speaker of your choice. 

A car icon indicates a speaker who is willing to travel to your location.

WMU NC Staff

Amy Boone

Amy Boone

Executive Director & Treasurer

Amy and her husband Mike served as missionaries in Mozambique and South Africa for 14 years with the IMB. She has two children, Timothy and Grace and is a certified music and ESL Teacher. Amy’s areas of expertise include international missions, prayer, Focus Week, missions involvement, parenting and Bible studies.

Rebecca Sloan Lindhout

Rebecca Sloan Lindhout

Consultant for Adults & Children; Ministry Involvement

Rebecca is currently the Minister of Children and Education at Antioch Baptist Church in Mamers, NC. She received her Masters of Divinity from Baptist Theological Seminary in Richmond. She was deeply impacted as a youth by Mission Friends, Girls in Action, and Acteens. She has traveled to Romania, Australia, South Africa, and to many states in the US as a missions volunteer.

Sara Lamkin

Sara Lamkin

Consultant for Students and Ministry Involvement

Sara Lamkin also serves as the point person for Project HELP. She has a BA in Spanish from Bridgewater College and a Masters of Divinity from The Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond. She is married to Stuart, who is pastor at First Baptist Weaverville, and has two boys.

Allison Markwood

Allison Markwood

Contract Marketing & Tarheel Talk Editor

Allison Markwood is a product of WMU! Thanks to GAs, Acteens, and Camp Mundo Vista, she looks for opportunities to be a missionary every day as a stay-at-home mom, part-time teacher, and freelance writer. She enjoys telling the story of WMU through marketing materials, social media, and the Tarheel Talk.

Amanda Martinsen

Amanda Martinsen

Leadership Development Consultant & Resource Coordinator

Amanda is a former social worker with a love for missions and equipping leaders for Kingdom service. Amanda’s areas of experience center around WMU FOCUS week, working with youth, leadership development, women’s retreats, prayer retreats, missions involvement, church-wide and associational leadership, and leading small groups. She and her husband Brian have three daughters and live in Sanford, NC

Western NC (Mountains)

Ruby Fulbright

Ruby Fulbright

Former Executive Director and WMU NC President

Ruby’s areas of expertise include Focus Week, women’s retreats, spiritual growth, international missions and BWNA, Baptist Women of North America. She served in Zambia, Africa as a career missionary for 12 years and has been on numerous mission trips to various places. Her passion is reaching the next generation of women leaders for missions.

Phyllis Foy

Phyllis Foy

Former WMU NC President

Phyllis’ areas of expertise are women’s retreats, spiritual growth and church renewal. Phyllis and her husband Bob, served as Mission Service Corps (MSC) Missionaries for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina for 17 years and then for North American Mission Board 10 years. She has led retreats in Germany and Africa. Phyllis has also led women’s meetings in Hungary and in many states in the USA.

Barbara Hill

Barbara Hill

Vice President of Development, WMU NC Executive Board

Barbara’s areas of expertise are Focus Week, Bible journaling, women’s retreats, home missions and international missions. She is a pastor’s wife and a retired middle school educator. Barbara serves in the music ministry at her church and leads a women’s Bible study. She has also been on many international mission trips and has led mission trips to Armenia.

Duronda Hood

Duronda Hood

WMU Director for Truett Baptist Association

Duronda is a Missions Friends leader and the Women’s Ministry Director at her church. She regularly travels to South Africa and ministers to the Besotho people group.

Veronica Weathers

Veronica Weathers

Prison Retreat Volunteer & Missions Involvement

Veronica currently leads a women’s ministry and a teen and children’s ministry. Her past ministry experience includes facilitating Bible studies for pregnant teens and the elderly in nursing homes, prison retreat volunteer, and missions involvement. She has also ministered to women recovering from drug and alcohol addiction.

Linda Todd Phelps

Linda Todd Phelps

WMU NC Executive Board Member

Linda has been a life-long participant in missions, working with most of the WMU organizations through the years and missions camping in Kentucky, Mississippi, and North Carolina. She served as a Journeyman in Brazil and a volunteer for a summer in Paraguay. She served on the WMU NC staff as Acteen Consultant and Camp Mundo Vista Director from 1987 – 1991 helping lead an Acteen Activator team to Brazil in 1990. She currently serves on the WMU NC Executive Board and would love to share with your church or group about the mission and ministries of WMU. She is a retired college professor and currently lives in Waynesville, NC.

Central NC (Piedmont)

Irma Duke

Irma Duke

Former WMU NC Executive Director

Irma’s areas of expertise are mission trips, women’s retreats, Focus Week, churchwide missions involvement, working with children and youth, Project HELP refugees and missions encouragement. Irma has ministered through the North American Mission Board, and the International Mission Board. She and her husband founded a missions church.

Clara Huff

Clara Huff

Former IMB Missionary

Clara teaches an adult Sunday School class, leads a Women on Mission group, and serves as an Spanish translator at the Good Shepherd Medical Clinic. After 32 years in Chile as a missionary with the International Mission Board, she married a Baptist pastor and they continued doing missions together until his death in 2002. For several years she was a writer for the Spanish missions magazine and Missions Mosaic.

Lisa Jacobs

Lisa Jacobs

Certified Life Coach & Vision Strategist, Sisters Who Care Volunteer Coordinator

Lisa’s areas of expertise include Bible study, women’s retreats, conferences, refugees, empowerment, evangelism and home missions. Her ministry experience includes serving as a woman’s ministry coordinator, Bible study teacher, education ministry leader and marriage ministry leader at her church.

Dee Dee Moody

Dee Dee Moody

WMU NC President

Dee Dee’s areas of expertise are Focus Weeks, women’s retreats, leadership conferences, mission studies, and Bible studies. She serves as her church’s WMU Director, has taught at all WMU age-levels, and has served on home and international mission trips.

Allison Mozingo

Allison Mozingo

Area of expertise: working with children and youth, ladies retreats, and spiritual growth

Allison is a worship leader and small group leader in her local church. She enjoys ministering to youth and women. She has a heart for equipping teens to live out their faith. She enjoys spending time with her family, reading, writing, and serving the local church. She desires to help point women of all ages directly to Scripture and apply what they’ve learned.

Kim Bounds

Kim Bounds

WMU NC Executive Board

Kim Bounds is a middle school band and piano teacher in the Winston-Salem Forsyth County school district.  She has been a part of WMU from Mission Friends to Women on Mission Groups.  She has served as Acteens leader in her church. She has served on international mission trips to South Africa and India. She currently serves as VP of Development for WMU NC.

 Margaret Harding

Margaret Harding

Former WMU NC Staff Member

Margaret retired after serving on WMU NC staff for 20 years as the adult specialist. She serves as her church’s WMU director. Margaret has participated in mission trips, led Women’s Retreats, and been a speaker for churches and associations. Margaret currently serves as the national WMU Compassion Ministries Volunteer Advocate.

Patricia Gann

Patricia Gann

WMU NC Executive Board Member

Patricia has served on the associational WMU leadership team, WMU director/missions leader/WoM leader in her local church and is presently the Assistant WMU Director of Dan Valley Association. She enjoys working with youth and children, hosting World Crafts parties and doing missions outreach in her community. She teaches Sunday school for all ages and enjoys leading small groups. 

Eastern NC (Coast)

Mary Ellen Bowman

Mary Ellen Bowman

Former WMU NC Executive Board Member

Mary Ellen’s areas of expertise include home missions, international missions, mission studies, women’s retreats, spiritual growth, Project HELP and ministering to refugees. She has been a National WMU Trainer for Christian Men and Women’s Job Corps and globally for BWA. She is also a writer.

Beverly Butler

Beverly Butler

WMU NC Executive Board Member

Beverly’s areas of expertise include event speaking, prayer retreats, Focus Week and adult groups. She is the WMU Director at her church and an Associational Mission Involvement leader. She resides in Oak City and she incorporates missions events with her town’s events whenever possible.

Caroline Jones

Caroline Jones

Former IMB Missionary, Former WMU NC President, Former National WMU Staff Member

Caroline Jones has been a featured speaker from Alaska to the Strait of Magellan and paints word pictures that have her audience laughing one minute and crying the next. Her passion for the cause of Christ and helping others find their place serving Him is contagious whether she is writing or speaking. Caroline and husband Archie, retired IMB missionaries, live in Erwin, NC.

Symphony Rose

Symphony Rose

A True Southern Lady (a character created by Caroline Jones)

Symphony is never seen without her hat and gloves and, of course, her multiple strands of “cultured pearls.” She’s been observing people for more than six decades and loves to share tips she’s learned along the way. Symphony Rose can do theme interpretation, WMU Focus Sundays, retreats and other events. She loves Jesus and missions.

Paula Matthis

Paula Matthis

WMU Director, Speaker, Missions Involvement

Upon request, Paula can do a reenactment of Lottie Moon complete with costume, life story, and power point with “Old China” pictures. She has been on mission trips nationally and internationally. She has worked with children all her adult life and has entertained them with puppets and story telling. Her ministry experience includes WMU Director and adult Sunday School teacher.

Deborah Taylor

Deborah Taylor

WMU NC President

Deborah’s areas of expertise include mission trips, working with children and youth, Focus Week, prayer and spiritual growth. She is a retired educator, serves on the CWJC board and serves on the WMU NC missions committee. She has participated in and led missions trips. She believes everyone can make a difference on missions in their own location daily.

Jeanette Walters

Jeanette Walters

Former WMU NC Executive Board Member & Former WMU NC Staff Member

Jeanette’s areas of expertise are home and international mission trips, women’s retreats and Focus Week. She is a former North American Mission Board missionary and retired ESL teacher. She has served in her church as a WMU Director and Acteens leader. She has led and participated in international trips and enjoys working with children and teaching adults of every culture.

Yvonne Deatherage

Yvonne Deatherage

WMU NC Executive Board

Yvonne has served as associational WMU Leadership Team, WMU Director /Missions Leader/ WOM Leader in her local church, and is presently the Assistant WMU Director of Neuse Association. She founded Greater Pink Hill LLC where she promotes community service through different activities and groups. She has a heart for seniors and those in need.