(919) 882-2344 info@wmunc.org

Missions & Motherhood

Hey Moms!

We see you working hard in and outside your homes. We see you doing all the things to take care of your families. We see you making personal sacrifices, dealing with “mom-brain,” losing sleep, and cleaning up messes that aren’t yours. 

It might not always feel like it, but you are doing one of the most important jobs there is, and we want to come alongside you!

Missions and Motherhood is a focus area for WMU NC because we know moms are on the frontlines of spiritual development, discipleship, and missions education in their homes. God has much bigger plans for your kids than good grades and success in sports. He also has bigger plans for you than survival mode, loss of identity, and burnout. 

From resources and retreats to camps and day trips for your kids, WMU NC wants to encourage, rejuvenate, and support you as you disciple your kids to love Jesus and have a heart for missions. 

Check back regularly for upcoming opportunities!

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