February Leadership Luncheon
February Leadership Luncheon
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 11:00 AM (EST)
Topic: Longevity in Ministry
Description: Ministering to others can be such a joy until it’s not. One of the most important ways to stay the course, and remain encouraged as we encourage others, is to do everything we can to remain healthy mentally. Together, we will look at what may be causing you weariness in ministry, as well as practical ways to fight it. We are all human, and while pouring into others is a blessing, you can’t pour from an empty cup. There is so much joy to be found in ministering to others, and together we discuss how to find it!
Speaker: Julie Busler
About Julie:
Julie Busler is a Bible teacher, author, and speaker who is passionate about helping people find hope and joy even in the midst of sorrow. As a mental health advocate, she has authored two books: Joyful Sorrow: Breaking Through the Darkness of Mental Illness and Hopeful Sorrow: Turning To God in Hope When Childhood Wounds Have You Turning Away (coming 2025). She is also a contributing author to Lifeway Women’s Bible study, Grateful. Her heart for evangelism led to her serving as the Oklahoma president of Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) from 2020-2024. Julie, and her husband, Ryan, have 4 children and have served as missionaries in Canada, Mexico, Germany, and Turkey. Connect with Julie on her website: www.juliebusler.com or on social media @juliebusler.
Register: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/f9y8d84/lp/d00b479b-7c6e-461d-b37c-a28aa66b5389
Contact Amanda Martinsen
919-882-2344 ext. 208