March Leadership Luncheon

March Leadership Luncheon
Date: Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 at 11:00 AM (EST)
Topic: Juggling it All: How to Balance Family Life and Ministry
Description: In a society filled with busyness and responsibilities, women leaders need to be intentional with how they spend their time. National speaker, author, and Bible teacher Tara Dew joins us as we discuss the age-old question: How do you juggle and balance it all?
About Tara:
Tara Dew is a national speaker, author, and Bible teacher. She has loved Jesus for as long as she can remember, trusting Him to be her Savior at the age of five years old at a Billy Graham Crusade. She felt called to ministry in the high school youth group, where she also met her husband, Jamie. They have been married for 25 years and have been blessed with two sets of twins: Natalie & Nathan and Samuel & Samantha. Her primary ministry is to her family, as many hours of each day are spent homeschooling their four children.
Tara holds a Bachelors of Arts in Human Communication (2003) from Meredith College, a Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning Elementary Education (2012) from Liberty University and a Doctorate in Education (2018) from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Tara’s dissertation was entitled Survive or Thrive: An Exploration of the Preparedness of Southern Baptist Pastors’ Wives. Tara is the President’s wife, serving the students, staff, and faculty of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. She teaches as an adjunct professor in the Ministry to Women program. She also directs and teaches in THRIVE : A Ministry Wives Certificate Program at NOBTS. Her first book, Overflowing Joy, was released in February 2024 and her second book, Overflowing Peace, will be coming out spring 2026.
Contact Amanda Martinsen
919-882-2344 ext. 208